Impact Sweetwater
Our mission at Sweetwater First Assembly is to be a blessing to our community. To that end, we host a quarterly food distribution event. We began by handing out 75 food boxes in 2021 each quarter from Second Harvest. We have since expanded our reach to 200 boxes in August 2022 that contained both dry and cold goods, dairy, fruit, and vegetables for people in the Sweetwater area.
The donations for this food come from the generosity of the people of Sweetwater First Assembly in commemoration of our 50th Anniversary in February 2021. We have been blessed to be part of this community for the last 50 years and want to do our part to be a blessing to this community. We look forward to seeing you!
This outreach is run quarterly. For more information about receiving a box of food or donating toward this cause, please watch our Facebook page for all the current information.
We are committed to reaching all people in all nations. We at SFA are passionate about reaching the lost here and abroad to Jesus. We currently support more than 50 missionaries in 20 different countries and here in the United States.
We serve others by demonstrating God’s love in practical ways by caring for the felt needs within our communities and sphere of influence. Simple and practical acts of kindness can open hearts to the love of Jesus for both those being served and those serving. If you would like more information or to get involved contact the church office.
- Each school year we adopt a school in Sweetwater for the school year to partner with the teachers as they impact the students of our community.
- Food pantry- we have food bags readily available for individuals as needed. Please contact the church office if you would like to pick one up.
- We partner with local organizations like Fresh Start in Sweetwater and Isaiah 117 and events to impact our community.